5 Ways to Upgrade your Summer Fitness

5 Ways to Upgrade your Summer Fitness

Summer is in full swing and like all seasons, it has its pros and cons. On the plus side, it stays light longer, the weather is generally nicer and there are more opportunities to get outside and be active. On the other hand, it’s hot. That means you might not be looking forward to your workouts turning you into a sweaty mess and you probably don’t feel like turning on the oven and spending a lot of time in the kitchen.

Have no fear – We understand what you’re going through. We put together five simple tips to help you upgrade your summer fitness:

Start your day with a balanced breakfast.
  • Many people experience schedule changes during the summer months, which can lead to skipped meals and strange eating schedules. Be sure to always start your day with a healthy, balanced breakfast that includes some protein (like eggs, nut butters, Greek-style yogurt or cheese) to keep you full and add in some complex carbs (like whole-grain breads, cereals or granola) for energy.
Add extra veggies.
  • Summer is the perfect time to up your veggie intake. Head to the farmer’s market and pick up some fresh local veggies to add to your meals and snacks.
Choose no-cook meals or use the grill.
  • When it’s too hot to cook in the kitchen, shift your focus to simple meals that require little to no cooking. Or take the heat outside and fire up the grill.
Schedule your workouts.
  • Schedule your workouts into your day so you’re more likely to complete them and be smart about the timing. If you’re exercising outside, stick to early morning or late evening hours to help beat the heat.
Move more & hydrate.
  • Summer is the perfect time to get outside and be active. Make an effort to explore your city with your family and choose activities that will get you up and moving. Be sure to drink lots of water to stay hydrated in the summer heat.

Follow these tips to help you stay fit, active and healthy all summer long. 

Simple recipes are a must in the summer. No one wants to spend hours cooking in the kitchen in the summer heat. Try these recipes to stay healthy and cool:

Superfruit Smoothie

Superfruit Smoothie

Beet and Orange Salad with Cheddar

Beet & Orange Salad with Cheddar


 Grilled Shrimp Salad with Orange Mint Dressing

Grilled Shrimp with Orange Mint Dressing

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Cheese As You Please

Our naturally-aged cheddars have 0g of lactose per serving! So go ahead, dig in.