8oz Deli Bar

Garlic Herb Cheddar Cheese Deli Bar


Also available

Cabot Creamerys Wickedly Habanero Cheddar Cheese, with its Premium Selected Cheddar Cheese label, is an 8 oz (226g) package infused with fiery habanero pepper chunks for a unique spicy cheddar experience.

Wickedly Habanero Cheddar Cheese

Deli Bar

A package of Cabot Creamerys Wildly Horseradish Cheddar Cheese with a zesty flavor. The label, in purple and white, features the Cabot logo and describes it as creamy smooth & bursting with horseradish bite. Weight: 8 oz (226g).

Wildly Horseradish Cheddar Cheese

Deli Bar

Award-Winning Cheddar Made From the Purest Ingredients