Cabot offers free and fun educational programs for
classrooms, scout troops, afterschool, FFA and 4-H programs. Why? Because Cabot is all about the good, from products to practices, and from people to purpose. By taking part in these activities, you’re helping spread the good in your community.
Find out which program we’re currently offering below.

October is Co-op Month

To celebrate, we're launching a free and fun educational program that's perfect for kids ages 7-11. Learn about the co-op business model and how they benefit communities!

Happy Camper Patch

Learn about the seven Leave No Trace Principles, gain tips for utilizing them in everyday life, and complete fun activities geared towards getting outside and enjoying the natural landscape.

Cooking with Kids

Cooking with children of all ages is a great way to involve them in mealtime, teach them about healthy eating and educate them about kitchen and food safety.

Family Friendly Recipes

Grate Questions

Why does cheese smell? To understand the science of the stink, a good place to start is with the art of cheesemaking.