8oz Dairy Bar

Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese Dairy Bar


Also available

Cabot Creamerys Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese is aged 9 months and comes in an 8 oz (227g) deli bar with a green label, featuring white and yellow text and the Cabot logo at the top.

Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Deli Bar

Cabot Creamerys Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese features 26 cracker cuts in a transparent container, highlighted by a green label with white text and cheese slice images for an inviting look.

Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Cracker Cuts

Cabot Creamerys Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese, in a green wrapper with black and white text labeled Classic Cut, is an 8 oz (226g) package of lactose-free, pre-shredded cheese featuring certification logos at the top.

Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Classic Cut Shredded

Cabot Creamerys Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese, with a green and cream plaid package, contains 9 slices weighing 7 oz. The label features Farmer Owned and highlights that it is Naturally Aged.

Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese


Award-Winning Cheddar Made From the Purest Ingredients

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