The Farm at Wheeler Mountain Barton, VT

The Farm at Wheeler Mountain Barton, VT

Shared Love, Different Breeds

When Joanna and Adam Lidback first bonded over their mutual love of cows they overcame the fact that he was a Holstein guy and she was a Jersey girl. Today, their blended herd at The Farm at Wheeler Mountain includes both breeds: the classic black-and-white splotched Holsteins and soft-eyed, caramel-colored smaller Jerseys. It also includes two young sons, a daughter, and a pair of loving and excitable rat terriers. 

First-generation Farmers

While neither was raised on a farm, Adam and Joanna have been able to settle on the farm where his mother grew up and where he spent most summers. Adam’s aunt and uncle conserved the land and, although they sold their dairy herd, have been supportive of the couple as they build up their own operation. “I always loved the farm. I just liked being here, being outside. It’s a beautiful place to live and I loved working the land,” says Adam. “I didn’t want to see the farm stop.”

Finding Purpose

Joanna was originally introduced to farming through 4-H and studied agriculture and business before working as an agriculture research analyst and consultant. “It’s a much different industry than the generation that came before us. It’s about understanding the risks but finding enough reward to make it worthwhile,” she says. “We have a purpose here. We have the animals to take care of and we have the land to take care of.”

The next generation has yet to pick a favorite breed. Whether you’re a Jersey or Holstein fan, you can enjoy them both at The Farm at Wheeler Mountain. Be sure to follow the Lidbacks on Facebook to keep up with events and farm life.

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Our naturally-aged cheddars have 0g of lactose per serving! So go ahead, dig in.

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