Valleyside Farm Woodstock, CT
Deep Commitment, Deep Roots
To understand the commitment some farmers feel to their heritage, it helps to know their history. “Our farm has been in our family since it was originally deeded by the King of England,” says Tim Young, with more than a little pride. His son, Lucas, and his daughter-in-law are raising the ninth generation of Youngs at Valleyside. Farm. Tim’s father, Dexter, still helps where he is needed. “I think that’s part of why I consider it a great responsibility to nurture it and pass it on to the next generation,” says Tim. “We’ve come this far, and I’m not about to drop the ball now. Being a part of something that has been around for so long is what keeps me getting out of bed every morning.”
The Long View
The long view The Youngs not only look back, they also look forward. Partly, Tim Young credits this to the family’s long tenure on the land, but also to another family tradition of service on the town’s firefighting crew. Tim is retired now, but like his father before him, he served as fire chief for seventeen years. He appreciated the opportunity to help others, as well as the lessons it has taught him about playing the long game. “Being a fire chief taught me to step back, be calm, and take a long view,” Tim says. “If you look at just the short term, you’ll be a basket case.
Passing the Baton
Tim’s son Lucas has followed the family path both on the farm and on the fire crew, where he is currently a captain. He credits much of the farm’s success to the mutual respect and steady communication between generations. His four children with wife, Angela, are a constant reminder to all of what they’re working towards. “We take such pride in watching our children grow with the same values and traditions that we were blessed to be raised with,” says Lucas. “It is incredible being on the same land that has been worked and handed down through the generations.”