Caverly Farms  Clinton, ME

Caverly Farms Clinton, ME

From 4-H to 400 Milkers

The Caverly Farm started out close to 75 years ago as a small 4-H project for the family, a passion that has grown into a multi-generation business. In 1962, Frank Caverly formed a partnership with his brothers EC and Pudge and now runs the farm with his son, Neal, and nephew, Brian. They are joined by Frank’s wife along with Brian’s wife and daughter; Neal’s wife also helps out. The Caverlys crop over 1,000 acres.The herd is a mix of Holsteins and Ayrshires.

Fresh Air

Neal grew up on the farm and has worked there all his life, watching it grow into the major undertaking it is today. “Growing up on the farm was terrific,” he says, “and I’m happy to give my family the same experience. I started driving a tractor when I was five. I got fresh air and exercise every day and I loved working with the land and the animals.”

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Cheese As You Please

Our naturally-aged cheddars have 0g of lactose per serving! So go ahead, dig in.