Dutch Hollow Farm Schodack Landing, NY

Dutch Hollow Farm Schodack Landing, NY

“A farm of families”

Dutch Hollow Farm was established in 1976 by third-generation farmer Paul Chittenden and his wife, Melanie. The couple is in partnership with their three sons, Alan, Brian and Nathan, who were raised on the farm, along with their sister, who farms in Australia. Well over a dozen family members are involved. “On our farm we have three generations working together,” explains Brian. “Cousins team up to work together, Grandpa supervises the youngsters, and in the end we are happy we have each other to rely on. We consider ourselves a farm of families.”

Dutch Hollow Farm

Always open

Dutch Hollow welcomes 1000’s of visitors every year. The whole family has committed to sharing with the public their passion for dairy farming and the Jersey cow. 4-H clubs, preschools, youth groups, elementary classes, high school science classes, and college vet classes are shown every aspect of how cows are born, raised, fed, milked, and cared for on the farm as well as the modern technology used to grow better crops and be better stewards of the environment. Each summer the farm opens its doors to the public for their “Day at the Dairy” where over 500 members of the community visit for a tour, as well as hayrides, and even some ice cream served by the local Dairy Princesses.

Jersey joy

Dutch Hollow Farm has the second-largest Registered Jersey herd in the state of New York and family members have held top posts in regional and national Jersey organizations. In addition, the family has been twice honored with the American Jersey Cattle Association’s most prestigious honor—the Master Breeder Award—earned by Paul in 2012 and his father, Stanley, in 1983. The youngest Chittendens are active in 4-H and spent a lot of time exhibiting cattle at fairs in the summer and the All-American Junior Jersey Show in the fall.

Jersey Cow

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Cheese As You Please

Our naturally-aged cheddars have 0g of lactose per serving! So go ahead, dig in.

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