Warm Recipes for Snow Days

Warm Recipes for Snow Days

Don’t you just love those snowy winter mornings? You know, the ones when you wake up to a blanket of white outside your window as thick, sparkling flakes fall from the sky? Oh, and surprise: Your kiddos have a snow day! Now they immediately love this morning way more than you. But we think snow days should bring out your inner kid!

Our hard-working farmers may not get snow days, but they love dishing up something delicious when the kids are off. These recipes are guaranteed favorites—and so easy the kids can help.

Pancakes for Breakfast

Everyone: stay in your pajamas! And start the day right…with pancakes. Our Chocolate Chunk Pancakes with Fresh Raspberry Maple Syrup should do the trick:

Chocolate Chunk Pancakes

Build a Snowman or Snow Fort

After breakfast, bundle up and head outside for snowy playtime! Build a snow family, make snow angels or construct a fort (or two if you’re going to have a snowball fight later!)

Cocoa Break

Chilly? Break for cocoa, topped with Cabot’s Whipped Cream. You can also make your own by whisking two tablespoons of sugar with one cup of heavy whipping cream until the cream forms stiff peaks. Kids can do the measuring, and take turns whisking! Delicious topped with a little bit of shaved dark chocolate—or sprinkles:

Cabot Whipped Cream

Visit a Sledding Hill, Go for a Snowshoe or Ski

Put your snowpants back on and grab the sleds! Or: put on your snowshoes and cross country skis for some more fun. (Who knows: you might even be able to convince the kiddos shoveling is fun!) And don’t forget a snowball fight, if that was in the plans.

Bake Some Warm-Up Treats

Back inside for a late lunch—and a baking project or two!

Make these Cheddar Fish Crackers with kids if you’re serving up soup:

Cabot Cheddar Fish Crackers

Kids can help measure ingredients, mix up the dough and cut out the crackers into fish shapes—or whatever cookie cutter shapes you have on hand!

And no one ever said ‘no’ to Chocolate Chip Cookies! Kids can help measure, mix and spoon out dough onto baking sheets for these sweet treats featuring Cabot’s Greek Yogurt:

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Another fun recipe to make together? Sam’s Savory Snack: treats for your pup!

(May we suggest making the cookies for you too, so kids can have something to enjoy while Fido gets his?!)

Sam's Savory Snack

Board Games or a Movie by the Fire

You’ve had a delicious and busy day—now it’s time to warm up by the fire with board games, puzzles, books or watching a favorite family movie. Enjoy some Cabot Cracker Cuts and cheese or fruit while you do.

Cabot Cracker Cuts

Comforting Family Dinner

End your snow day of family fun with a delicious dinner. Go around the table and have everyone share their favorite part of today’s snow day!

Cozy recipes to try:

Cheesy Chicken Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

Cheesy Chicken Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

Bacon, Apple and Cheddar Grilled Pizza

Bacon Apple Pizza

Chicken Pot Pie with Cheddar Crust

Chicken Pot Pie

Hearty & Spicy Chili

Hearty and Spicy Chili

Slow Cooker Macaroni and Cheese


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Our naturally-aged cheddars have 0g of lactose per serving! So go ahead, dig in.

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