A Vegetarian Cookout Menu Even Meat-lovers Will Enjoy

A Vegetarian Cookout Menu Even Meat-lovers Will Enjoy

When most people hear they word cookout, they immediately thing of burgers and brats. And while it’s true that firing up the grill is often synonymous with meat-based meals, that doesn’t have to be the case.

If you’re looking to eat less meat, there are plenty of vegetarian recipes that use low-fat cheese, beans, nuts and seeds to create protein-rich, perfect additions to your summer cookout. Many of them are so delicious, you and your guests probably won’t even miss the meat!

Here are a few suggestions for a crowd-pleasing vegetarian cookout:

Offer variety. Finger foods are a great way to introduce people to new foods.

Skinny Zucchini Casserole

Skinny Zucchini Casserole

Still use the grill. Lots of vegetarian recipes can be made on the grill!

Black Bean Veggie Burgers

Black Bean Veggie Burgers

Grilled Eggplant with Tomatoes and Cheddar

Keep it healthy. Cookouts can easily stray towards unhealthy so be sure to add some low-fat cheddar cheese, fruits and veggies to yours.

Southwestern Corn, Avocado  & Pepper Jack Salad

Southwestern Corn, Avocado and Pepper Jack Salad

Cabbage, Apple and White Cheddar Slaw

Cabbage Apple and White Cheddar Slaw

Feature seasonal produce. It’ll be freshest and at its peak for taste so it’s the perfect time to introduce it to friends.

Cheesy Cauliflower Tots

Cheesy Cauliflower Tots

Cheesy Tomato Bruschetta

Cheesy Tomato Bruschetta

Don’t skimp on the protein. Just because you’re not serving meat doesn’t mean you can’t serve high-protein options.

Habenero Cheddar & Black Bean Dip

Habanero Black Bean Dip

Bulgur, Cucumber & Chickpea Salad

Bulgur, Cucumber & Chickpea Salad

Need a few more options? Try these:

 Spicy Corn Dip

 Spicy Corn Dip

Cheesy Black Bean Triangles

Cheesy Black Bean Triangles

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Cheese As You Please

Our naturally-aged cheddars have 0g of lactose per serving! So go ahead, dig in.

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