Simply the Best Breakfast Recipes
Wholesome, Family-Friendly and Simply the Best Breakfast Recipes from Some of Our Favorite Food Bloggers and Cabot.
There’s no better way to start the day than with a good breakfast. Not only is it the most important meal of the day nutritionally speaking, but eating a meal in the morning also sets the tone for a healthy, productive day. Studies show that children who eat a healthy breakfast have a real advantage in school. It makes concentration easier and helps avoid a mid-morning energy slump. Studies also indicate that eating breakfast can help you maintain a healthy body weight.
Eating breakfast with your family is another good way to start the day off on the right foot. There’s a lot to be said for beginning the day together around the table – or at the kitchen counter. It’s the perfect way to check in on the day’s activities and make the most of family time. It might take waking up 15 minutes earlier, but the results can be well worth it.
We have a few tips to help you up your breakfast game:
- Plan ahead. Shop for breakfast ingredients at the beginning of the week after creating a menu plan for each day.
- Stock up on breakfast staples. Fresh fruit, yogurt, milk, whole grain bread, eggs, and veggies can be made into a healthy morning meal in minutes.
- Make ahead. Breakfast rolls and breads can be frozen in individual portions. So can many breakfast casseroles, which you can prepare in muffin tins to create single-serving sizes.
- Mix it up. Breakfast doesn’t have to be boring. Break out of the cereal box and try something new.
- Try a smoothie. Drinking your breakfast can be fun and delicious. Smoothies are a tasty way to pack a breakfast punch.
- Experiment on the weekends. Try new breakfast dishes on the weekends when everyone has a little more time to spend. Make extra and freeze the leftovers for busy weekdays.
In today’s busy world, defaulting to a bowl of sugary cereal may seem like a quick breakfast fix. But a healthy breakfast recipe made with nutritious ingredients can be easier than you think.
We’ve gathered our favorite breakfast recipes from the Cabot website to inspire your breakfast choices.
Zucchini Waffles with Cabot Cheddar
High Protein Strawberry Breakfast Smoothie