Quesadillas as Grilled Cheese

Quesadillas as Grilled Cheese

It’s National Grilled Cheese month and if you’re following us on social media, rest assured you’re going to be getting some delicious new sandwich ideas to try! But today we wanted to take a minute to challenge you to up your grilled cheese game by thinking outside the sandwich square a little bit.

Why not consider quesadillas as your next grilled cheese? By simply swapping bread with a tortilla you can open up a whole new world of grilled cheese-esque options!

Here are a few suggestions:


Try this Apple Cheddar Quesadilla – the perfect blend of sweet and savory!

Easy Apple Cheddar Quesadilla Snacks

Butternut Squash Quesadillas with Cheddar

Butternut Squash Quesadilla with Cheddar

Shrimp & Habanero Quesadillas

Shrimp Quesadilla

Roast Beef n' Cheese Quesadillas

Roast Beef Quesadilla


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Cheese As You Please

Our naturally-aged cheddars have 0g of lactose per serving! So go ahead, dig in.