Healthy Eating on the Run

Healthy Eating on the Run

As kids get older, it’s natural for them to start getting involved in more and more after-school and summer activities. This means longer days and busier schedules for everyone.

Healthy snacks are a must to help kids keep their energy levels up throughout their busy days. There are plenty of snacks you can make that can easily be thrown in a sports bag or backpack and eaten quickly and easily before a meeting or practice.

Here are a few tips for healthy, kid-friendly snacks:

  • Always include protein! Kids love muffins and you can easily make your own! Try these Cheddar and Ham Savory Muffins and make your own trailmix with some nuts and seeds for protein!
  • Make a large batch – Cook a batch of these Granola Bars and pre-portion them into snack bags. Then simply throw one in their bag each morning.
  • Customize to their liking! Everyone enjoys snacks that include all of their favorite things. These Greek Yogurt Chewy Breakfast Cookies are easy to customize with their favorite mix-ins. Don’t let the name fool you- they’d make a great snack!
  • Get creative! If they’re going straight to practice after school, you probably don’t have time to make them a fresh smoothie. Instead, whip one of these Blueberry Cheesecake Smoothies the night before and stick it in the freezer. In the morning, pop it in a lunchbox and it will be thawed out and drinkable by the end of the day!


If kids have access to a refrigerator or cooler, there are lots of other snack options including:

Strawberries & Cream Overnight Oats

Strawberries and Oatmeal

Healthy Snacks To Go: Red, White & Green

Healthy Snacks To Go: Red, White & Green

Kiwi and Pineapple Greek Yogurt Parfait

Kiwi and Pineapple Greek Yogurt Parfait

On the go: Apple, Cheddar Almond

On the go: Apple, Cheddar Almond


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